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Did your business buy the wrong software?
No one likes to make a mistake. This is especially true in business, where a wrong decision can cost money, time and resources. According to the...
We have prepared a selection of frequently asked questions.
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No one likes to make a mistake. This is especially true in business, where a wrong decision can cost money, time and resources. According to the...
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The optional standard mileage rate used to calculate the deductible cost of operating an automobile for business will be going up by 1.5 cents per...
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The job market remains relatively tight for businesses looking to fill open positions or simply add top talent when the fit is right. That means it’s...
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Restricted stock awards are a popular way for companies to offer equity-oriented executive compensation. Some businesses offer them instead of stock...
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If you’re planning to start a business or thinking about changing your business entity, you need to determine what will work best for you. Should you...
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Are employees at your business traveling and frustrated about documenting expenses? Or perhaps you’re annoyed at the time and energy that goes into...
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Do you use an automobile in your trade or business? If so, you may question how depreciation tax deductions are determined. The rules are...
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It’s not uncommon for employees to grumble about having to attend too many meetings. Sometimes they have a point; an excessive number of meetings can...
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The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act liberalized the rules for depreciating business assets. However, the amounts change every year due to inflation...
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If your employer provides life insurance, you probably find it to be a desirable fringe benefit. However, if group term life insurance is part of...
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Government officials saw a large increase in the number of new businesses launched during the COVID-19 pandemic. And the U.S. Census Bureau reports...
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If you and your employees are traveling for business this summer, there are a number of considerations to keep in mind. Under tax law, in order to...
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The law providing relief due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic contains a beneficial change in the tax rules for many improvements to interior...