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Timelines: 3 ways business owners should look at succession planning
Business owners are rightly urged to develop succession plans so their companies will pass on to the next generation, or another iteration of...
We have prepared a selection of frequently asked questions.
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Business owners are rightly urged to develop succession plans so their companies will pass on to the next generation, or another iteration of...
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Choosing the right business entity has many implications, including the amount of your tax bill. The most common business structures are sole...
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After experiencing a downturn in 2023, merger and acquisition activity in several sectors is rebounding in 2024. If you’re buying a business, you...
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There are several financial and legal implications when adding a new partner to a partnership. Here’s an example to illustrate: You and your partners...
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It’s not unusual for a partner to incur expenses related to the partnership’s business. This is especially likely to occur in service partnerships...
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For businesses, cost-effectively sponsoring a health insurance plan for employees is an ongoing battle. In the broadest sense, you have two options:...
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Businesses usually want to delay recognition of taxable income into future years and accelerate deductions into the current year. But when is it wise...
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If your business doesn’t already have a retirement plan, it might be a good time to take the plunge. Current retirement plan rules allow for...
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Your business should generally maximize current year depreciation write-offs for newly acquired assets. Two federal tax breaks can be a big help in...
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Open enrollment for most health care plans is many months away. That makes now a good time for businesses to consider changing their...
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The qualified business income (QBI) deduction is available to eligible businesses through 2025. After that, it’s scheduled to disappear. So if you’re...
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Few and far between are businesses that can either launch or grow without an infusion of outside capital. In some cases, that capital comes in the...
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If you want to withdraw cash from your closely held corporation at a low tax cost, the easiest way is to distribute cash as a dividend. However, a...